Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent for The Examiner, notes the nonsense written by The Nation’s editor and publisher, Katrina vanden Heuvel. She makes Lyndon LaRouche look sane.  But anything goes when your are trying to raise money for an “education” program that will counteract the dangerous crazies on the right like Rush and Beck. According to York here:

Katrina vanden Heuvel, the editor and publisher of The Nation, has
just sent out a fundraising letter making fantastical claims about the
9/12 protest in Washington. Promoting the magazine’s “Student Outreach
Program,” in which she and her colleagues offer teaching guides to help
educators counter the influence of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, vanden
Heuvel described the march this way:

days ago, Glenn Beck led the astro-turf 9-12-09 “Taxpayer March on DC.”
Compared to the millions who have marched for civil rights, equal
rights, and gay rights, and against the war, Beck’s 70,000 would be
small stuff — except for the tens of thousands waving Confederate
flags, anti-gay hate signs, and shouting “White Power!”

York was there on 9/12 and so was I.  I can confirm his report. 

I personally do not remember seeing any Confederate flags. But I
figured that if there were a lot of them — much less “tens of
thousands” — the people at left-wing activist sites like Democratic
Underground would have pictures. Searching around a little, I found two
here and here — and not very prominent ones at that.

As far as anti-gay hate signs, I didn’t see any of those either. Perhaps there is a photo out there, but I couldn’t find it.

Finally, there were the “tens of thousands” of people shouting
“White Power!” I didn’t hear that. And one would think that with people
from various lefty outfits at the Capitol, video recorders in hand, we
would have records of such an event.