Perpetually depressed. Still whining about the “stolen” 2000 election. They can’t get their depressing political plays produced because “[p]roducers may fear offending audiences – or merely reminding them of their current impotence as citizens.” Yeah, that’s the reason. It certainly couldn’t be that they’re drek. Maybe they should take a hint from the dismal showing of overt political movies in the past couple of years.
If it’s possible, this newspaper’s reviewer is more depressed and depressing than the playwrights.
Nothing has changed for the better in nearly six years. The American people, New York Times columnist Frank Rich wrote recently, are in clinical depression. The constitution and the ideals that once set the nation apart have been traded for fear of Muslims and immigrants, for CIA torture chambers, widening economic inequality, and a Congress still short on backbone.
Well, there’s your problem. If you get your worldview from Frank Rich and The New York Times, depression is guaranteed.