I’m watching MSNBC and Andrea Mitchell is asking NBC correspondent Athena Jones why Obama chose now to finally, unequivocally, part ways with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. In her reporting wisdom, Jones is talking about how Wright offended Obama with his remarks yesterday at the National Press Club. I don’t think so.

My guess is it had something to do with the poll call I got last night. All questions were about the Obama-Wright relationship and whether that made me think more unfavorably about Barack Obama. Then they asked if I was more inclined now to vote for Hillary since this blew up. Due respect to Athena, but she should do a little more reporting and actually ask Obama why he did what he did a few minutes ago.

I would put money on the fact that Obama saw the results of that snap poll and said, “My God, I’ve got to ditch this guy.”

UPDATE: Ben Smith of Politico says he’s heard from Obama and Clinton operatives who say they weren’t doing any polling last night. He wonders if it was a media poll, which I guess is possible. If so, however, it sure was designed to find out what effect Rev. Wright’s rhetoric would have on Obama.

UPDATE: Marc Armbinder of Atlantic.com seems to be wondering how a Republican got a call that was clearly aimed at registered Democrats. FYI: I’ve been a registered Democrat since 1968 and have never changed my registration. Just so you all know. That’s why I got two Obama robo-calls tonight. I’m on the list.