The documentary “Occupy Unmasked” features many left-wing politicians and pundits praising the Occupy Wall Street movement.

It also features the violence and lawlessness that became synonymous with the movement that was initially praised by such elected officials as President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, North Carolina Democratic Secretary of State Elaine Marshall and Democratic congressman Brad Miller. The latter two didn’t make the trailer, but I’m sure, from their comments in October, that they agree with those who did about how inspiring the Occupy protesters are.

You can watch it here.

As you watch these comments, especially the claims by the likes of Harry Reid, Pelosi and left-wing actor Tim Robbins that the Tea Party is a violent, “astroturf” movement of “sewer rats,” compare the scenes from the video linked above to the one below of actual Tea Party supporters in action. It features my daughter and Uncle Jimbo from BlackFive at the 9/12 Taxpayer March on Washington on Sept. 12, 2009.