Some interpret High Point City Manager Strib Boynton’s recent actions as an effort to strong-arm the City Council into supporting him in the ongoing battle over Deputy Fire Chief Martha Younts’ sex discrimination claims.
Boynton’s handing out of his contract to council members and the media could have been interpreted as a threat to resign. But there’s also that other possibility —he could be fired:
A second document, not immediately released publicly, made Boynton’s intent clear: He was reminding the City Council what it would cost the City Council to fire him. Boynton had that document prepared and gave it to Smothers between the meetings, and Smothers said she distributed it to the other councilmembers. The document details exactly what it would cost the city to fire Boynton, as of this week.
The second document makes it more likely that, rather than threatening to resign, Boynton took last Thursday’s vote as a vote of no confidence, and was defending himself in case the 6-to-3 margin held for any upcoming motion to fire him.
Younts’ attorney continues to insist that she has no interest in suing the city —the closed sessoin meeting with the council was merely “to bring the city manager’s behavior to his bosses’ (i.e. City Council) attention – period.”
But again—- what is the end game here? Removing Boynton from office? If that doesn’t happen —- and I don’t see it happening —then what?