The web site for UNCA’s newspaper has been updated for the first time in at least a couple months. One of the new articles covers a protest downtown. Students and veterans objected to FBI raids and grand jury investigations of Middle Easterners who protested US foreign policy; in particular, its wars.
Among those protesting on behalf of the protesters was one Josh Sykes, who said he knew personally almost all of the perps under investigation. Is this the same Josh Sykes that is in the leadership of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the group that publishes comments like:
Real freedom will require the destruction, by any means necessary, of the whole current social order based on the rights of the wealthy to keep everything they have and constantly grab for more?
I don’t know. My facial recognition software is not working. Sykes was joined by Jeff DeCristofaro. This is the same DeCristofaro who addressed the county commissioners last week protesting university pay cuts. He is a member of UNCA’s chapter of Students for a Democratic Society, which describes itself as “radical.”
Relying only on guilt by association, one gets a funny feeling there is more to the story than is shared by the university press. Unfortunately, in light of the federal government’s recent assaults against liberties of any kind, one cannot be too certain.