In a new article that calls for more celebration of achievement and less whining during Women?s History Month, Jenna Robinson recalls a bake sale recently run by the Women?s Center at UNC-Chapel Hill, where the women were charged 75 cents for a cookie and men were charged $1.00.  What they were trying to show was the supposed fact that women earn 77 cents for every dollar in wages men earn (never mind that if women get an education and never leave the workforce to raise a family, they earn roughly the same as men, or even better in some professions). But the ?deep thinkers? at the Women?s Center got it backwards: if they wanted to show earning discrimination toward women, they should have charged the women more to demonstrate that it takes more of their paycheck to buy a cookie. What they did instead was hold an affirmative action bake sale demonstrating that the rules are unfair to men! For the unfamiliar, affirmative action bake sales are events held by conservative student groups on campuses that charge white males higher prices than minorities and women to demonstrate the inherent unfairness of affirmative action. Given the reaction of feminists to similar affirmative action bake sales across the country, the Women?s Center at Chapel Hill should have been protesting their own bake sale.