More of that Well DUH Research, as reported in The Wall Street Journal:

But a study in the current issue of the Journal of Conflict Resolution by Yale University scholars Edward Kaplan and Charles Small offers solid statistical evidence that the harsher one’s views of Israel, the likelier one is to be an anti-Semite.

Messrs. Kaplan and Small employ data from a 2004 survey of European attitudes toward Jews and toward Israel commissioned by the Anti-Defamation League. Five thousand people in 10 European countries were asked to agree or disagree with 11 [inflammatory] statements about Jews … (Agreeing with more than five of the questions qualified one as an anti-Semite, according to the ADL.) … The results were remarkable. Among those who held the most negative views of Israel, some 60% also believed that Jews engaged in shady financial practices, and more than 70% thought that Jews had too much business power. Whatever the respondents’ religion, nationality, sex or income level, the more intense their dislike of Israel, the likelier they were to be anti-Semitic.