I am in favor of lowering the drinking age to 18 and have been since the day the feds forced all states to raise it. (They did so by using the extortion technique of threatening to withhold highway funds from states that didn’t comply.) In this regard I was happy to see presidents of so many universities come out in favor of at least reopening a debate on the subject. The arguments for doing so are cogently made here by the National Youth Rights Association, an organization that I was not aware of until I recently did some Googling on the subject. The group looks interesting. While I do not agree with all of their positions, I like the the focus of the organization which appears to be on the individual liberty and personal responsibility of young people. I do not detect an emphasis on the duty of young people to support collectivist causes of one sort or another or on any sense of entitlement to wealth transfers from other sectors of society. And there is no sense that these kids exalt the state as an institution. Indeed there seems to be a healthy skepticism of government. I can work with that.