Whatever tension there was over their presidential endorsement has evidently passed: Yes! Weekly is simply ecstatic over Obama’s victory.

Editor Brian Clarey lays it on pretty thick:

With the election of Barack Obama, we make a deliberate move away from the bitter politics of the last eight years and towards something better — opportunity, empowerment, inclusion. We make a stand against a government that has dished out abuse against its land, its industries and its people. And we show the world that we are capable of change for the better.

..It is no easy task, as challenging in its own way as those tests faced by Lincoln, FDR and Kennedy during their administrations. But if he can maintain the qualities he demonstrated during this most historic presidential run — intelligence, organization, determination and equanimity among them — then he is the man for the job.

Let’s see: Lincoln, a dictator who put editors like Clarey in jail; FDR, a fascist who made the Depression worse; and Kennedy, who died trying to chase skirts and fight Communism all at the same time.