I realize the numbers in yesterday’s N&R story on young voter registration are significant, but Sue’s got it right when she says here that it won’t mean much if they don’t actually vote.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but this was an issue in the 2004 campaign and the biggest complaint among the losers was that the 18-31 crowd indeed failed to show for Kerry-Edwards. (Note to several Greensboro drivers: you can take the bumper stickers off now.)

In my view, the media’s continual emphasis on younger voters is part of the ongoing effort to make each election year like duh-duh-duh— 1968 — the year young voters truly made their voices heard. But the biggest history lesson will come if the Democratic nomination goes all the way to the convention in Denver, as many political pundits predict it will. If that happens, we’ll all learn something, and the instructor will be Hillary Clinton.