Bringing it all together….Indeed, former Greensboro Poice Chief David Wray’s lawsuit against the City of Greensboro and City Manager Mitchell Johnson reads like a Cliff’s Notes version of the Jerry Bledsoe series. And that’s exactly what makes it a must-read for anyone new to the controversy or looking to refresh their memory. Trust me, flows very well for a 44-page legal document.
Note, too, that the N&R is mentioned prominently in the suit. Sam Spagnola lets John Robinson have it:
Just like Mitch Johnson, it is time for John Robinson to go. He has demonstrated over the years that he cannot admit mistakes and would rather push a particular agenda or form of political correctness rather than publish a paper that attempts to gather facts. He has never confronted a story about discrimination or racism against a minority that he didn’t try to exploit or allow to perpetuate a myth even when the facts later contradict the story.
This is it for the N&R. The paper’s imploding as it is —- people are walking out the door every week. —– so it needs to cover this this story honestly and aggressively to maintain any respectability with its readers. Otherwise, they might as well shut the doors and sell the land to downtown developers.