As I predicted yesterday, Howard Dean’s political rivals are jumping all over his absurd comments on Monday about the capture of Saddam Hussein and the proper way to approach foreign policy.
John Kerry said Dean’s idea of having to ask the United Nations for permission before attacking Iraq was a “Simon Says” policy. “Perhaps it reflects inexperience, but for Howard Dean to permit a veto over when America can or cannot act not only becomes little more than a pretext for doing nothing, it cedes our security and presidential responsibility to defend America to someone else — a profound danger for both our national security and global stability,” he said.
Lieberman called Dean “Dr. No.” And Gephardt questioned his ability to compete with Bush in debates.
Quite apart from the merits of the Iraq war, Dean’s rhetoric was obviously disastrous. If this were earlier in the nomination fight, I’d say the guy was now rather-burnt toast. Since it’s December, a month from the Iowa caucuses, he may just get lightly brown.