“The path of wisdom avoids extremes,” but “you have to go a little crazy to keep from going totally insane.” So today we’ll entertain an excursion to the fringes.

An editorial in the Asheville Citizen-Times states what many in Asheville believe. Evil capitalists in the free-market health care system would literally bleed every American dry to maximize profit. The cure, as you have heard, is to implement a strategy where just government, infallible by decree and foreordination, will make wise decisions and take care of people; especially CHILDREN, with free money. This has been tried in Cuba with outstanding results.

Representing the other extreme, “Frank Rizzo” directs readers to the web site of investigative journalists who took a camera to Cuba and counted flies, roaches, and feces in medical facilities. (Note the sponsors.) Whaddya say, America? How about rides in a wheelbarrow to a blown-out maternity ward for a sledge-hammer C-section?

Only too few publicly state the problem with, and not the cure for, healthcare in the US is over-regulation.

A grammar-school technique of assessing the relative success of economic systems is to look at how much US Foreign Aid a country receives. Cuba, unfortunately, is deemed by the UN and the US to be so messed up politically, eight-digit humanitarian donations are aimed more at social justice than medical relief.