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Medicaid Expansion: Fiscally Irresponsible and Morally Questionable
After holding off for 13 years, in December 2023, North Carolina became the 40th state to implement Medicaid expansion, extending Medicaid coverage to healthy adults with incomes up to 138 percent…
A Wish List for the 2025-26 North Carolina General Assembly Session
The 2023-24 session of the North Carolina General Assembly delivered a host of policy victories for the John Locke Foundation, including changes to the law advocated for by Locke’s Civitas…
2025 NC School Choice Snapshot: Much to Celebrate, More to Do
From now through Feb. 1, celebrations are being held throughout the country in honor of National School Choice Week. Although the occasion is not officially recognized by gubernatorial proclamation in…
What North Carolina Could Learn from Indiana About School Finance
School finance reform often takes decades to achieve, yet a window of opportunity has opened across the South. Recently, both Tennessee (2022) and Mississippi (2024) have significantly changed the way…
Let’s Celebrate School Choice!
School Choice is exploding in North Carolina and nationally. And for good reason: people want more choice in education and parents are the best persons to determine how and where…
Elections Boards are Removing Hundreds of Thousands of Voter Registrations: That Is Good
While North Carolina is still dealing with the fallout from registration problems in the 2024 election, county election boards have started a process that will remove hundreds of thousands of…
Why America Leaving the Paris Agreement Is No Big Deal
On the first day of his administration, Pres. Donald Trump signed an executive order immediately withdrawing the United States from the Paris Agreement. Media have reacted with horror and predictions…
Go Nuclear to Preserve Reliable Power and Keep Cost Increases Under Control
The current state law establishing the state Carbon Plan requires carbon neutrality in electricity in North Carolina by 2050. A new report from the Center for Food, Power, and Life…
California Home Insurance Crisis Provides Another Example of the Pitfalls of Government Intervention
As the tragic California wildfires continue to rage on, one bit of news has surfaced that will make rebuilding that much more difficult for homeowners: many of them don’t have…
A Letter to the King
Step into the inspiring story of Penelope Barker and the Edenton Tea Party in this engaging mini-documentary, A Letter to the King. Produced by the John Locke Foundation in partnership…
The General Assembly Can and Should Be More Transparent
This is the third of a four-part series covering our findings in “Reforming North Carolina’s General Assembly.” Part One covered legislative pay, Part Two dealt with session limits, and Part…
Breakdown of the Cooper/ Stein Challenge to the Board of Elections Appointment Move to the Auditor’s Office
In the days before Christmas, incoming Gov. Josh Stein & then Gov. Roy Cooper filed their second lawsuit, asking the courts to block appointment changes made to the State Board…