According to an exciting article in the Graham Star:

The Graham County commission recently voted to reject any “steep slope” or “ridge-line development” ordinances that may come out of Raleigh or from any other source.

Resident Claire Wiederhold stood before the Graham County Commissioners and asked them to protect the mountains from development.

Commissioner Billy Holder shot back, “You can look at these mountains a lifetime and starve to death.” The construction industry is sagging, substantially under burdens imposed by already-existing regulations.

Commissioner Raymond Williams pointed out that 70% of the county’s lands are owned by the forest service.

“I have no intention of ever supporting this,” Williams said. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I think you are wasting your time.”

Williams quickly made a motion that the county “never” consider steep slope legislation or ridge-line development ordinances.

“Our people have enough restrictions,” Williams said.

The motion was seconded by Holder.

After attempts to soften the wording, take time, commission studies, and all that , Williams refused to withdraw or amend his motion. Commissioner Connie Orr voted with Williams and Holder to pass the ban.