On the nation’s 235th birthday, North Carolina History Project Director Troy Kickler shared with Chad Adams’ WLTT Radio listeners the stories of North Carolina’s three signers of the Declaration of Independence. The Documenting the American South website recently quoted a History Project encyclopedia entry on the N.C. Industrial Association. Becki Gray, John Locke Foundation Vice President for Outreach, joins Carl Lamm this afternoon on WTSB to recap the week’s top state government news. Gray also spoke this week to a Wilson Tea Party group. WLTT’s Adams interviewed Mitch Kokai, John Locke Foundation Director of Communications, about the congressional redistricting maps state lawmakers have unveiled. Kokai discussed the week’s state government developments with Curtis Wright on WAAV/WFNC Radio, and he appeared on WTVD Television one week ago to discuss the first day of the new state budget year.