The Herald-Sun reports today that Yolanda Haynes, a former manager of the Platinum Club in Hillsborough, says the Duke lacrosse rape accuser may have gotten cuts and bruises when she passed out and had to be carried out of the club a night or two before the alleged rape:

Haynes said it was on the night of March 10-11 or 11-12 that the accuser was removed unconscious from the Platinum Club after she slumped naked to the dance floor.

“We had to drag her out on the gravel,” she said. “She was heavy. It took four or five of us to carry her outside. She was dead weight. That’s how passed out she was. She never woke up. We could have put the scratches on her. That could be how she got them.”

Of course, DA Mike Nifong hasn’t interviewed her. Nor would he comment to the newspaper.