Single payer option?

Shuler: It wouldn’t provide the quality of service to which US citizens are accustomed. Shuler voted against it when he had the opportunity. It is important to be able to get insurance across state lines and have competition. Pools can be created. The Asheville Project was financially beneficial. Billions of dollars could be saved a year by preventive counseling. Federal funds could be made available. Duplication of services should not be necessary. Improvements can be built upon.

Miller: No. Healthcare has to return to free enterprise. At least 21 states are going to contest the healthcare bill. How long will it take to go through the courts? How do you feel about funding the IRS agents? This is a tax. It is a trainwreck.

Shuler: That’s the 1099 thing I’ve voted against twice.

Miller: It’s not just that. If you’re not buying into the program you’re fine.

Shuler: That’s why I don’t support the employer mandate. Electronic records keeping is a beneficial thing.

Miller: I don’t like government takeover of healthcare. We can still be compassionate.

Shuler: Greedy corporations shouldn’t be calling the shots and dropping people because they need to make their bottom line. We need to focus on disease management.