Chad, I won’t dispute that SUVs are less nimble and more likely to roll over than “hobbit” cars, and I’ll grant you that they don’t stop as quickly. I’ll just say: so what? How do they differ in that respect from mini-vans, which face no rabid opposition that I know of? Or worse yet, pollution-spouting Volkwagon buses?

Another thing: We knew what we were getting when we bought the vehicle. We realized we were sacrificing nimbleness atire (as opposed to afoot) for greater structural stability. We knew that this decision meant we would have to sacrifice more dangerous driving ? not that we ever engaged in that sort of thing! *kaff! kaff!* But having a precious life in the back seat had already provided its own strong encouragement in that regard.

Therefore our greater concern was safety from the speeding nimrods around us. That is to say, we wanted to be able withstand the unseen, heady blow of a tin can like yours ? and thank God, my wife and little girl did.