A wire service story touches on growing concerns among the elderly over the proposed health-care overhaul. Seniors are worried about a range of aspects associated with the plan, according to the article, including end-of-life issues.

The Democrats’ response?

Democrats accuse the GOP of fear-mongering around claims about fictitious “death panels,” rationing and nonexistent threats to Medicare. They insist seniors’ health care will be safeguarded.

“Nobody is talking about cutting Medicare benefits,” Obama said during an online AARP forum in July.

Funny that the tables are now turned. In past years, Democrats made ample use of health-care related fear mongering. Remember Bush’s Social Security reform efforts? Dems said it would put seniors on the street.

In fact, pretty much any Republican meddling in government services that would impact the elderly brought on predictions of Armageddon from the other party.