Here is a letter in today’s Wall Street Journal that speaks to the costs of the legislative/regulatory monstrosity that is Obamacare. Direct cost — higher insurance costs; indirect cost — the new business that was not started owing to the cost of leaving an existing insurance plan. One of the good moves we might have made would be to sever the connection between employment and health insurance. Sadly, the authoritarians in power in 2010 wanted to increase the government’s role, aiming for eventual federal monopoly. Here’s the letter:

ObamaCare and Starting a Business

Regarding Daniel P. Kessler’s “ObamaCare Is Raising Insurance Costs” (op-ed, June 4): I was going to leave my job and the health insurance that came with it to start a business, until I shopped around for a health-insurance plan. Here is an example of what I found: At Group Health, a health-maintenance organization here in Seattle, I was given a quote of $842 per month for me and my family. But that would increase to $2,320 starting in January 2014 when ObamaCare kicks in—a 276% increase. Why? Because I would be forced to carry coverage that I don’t want and don’t need, such as maternity care. Welcome to the world of socialized medicine, courtesy of the Un-Affordable Care Act.

Jeff Smith
