You can’t make this up.

Politico (with appropriate snark) points to a Washington Post (surprisingly snarkless) story about a new effort on the Left to counter the Tea Party. But as Politico explains, “[T]his represents a significant difference with the original tea party movement. That was ? and still is ? a movement in search of a leader. The Democrats have a bunch of leaders in search of a movement.”

From the Post:

In an effort to replicate the tea party’s success, 170 liberal and civil rights groups are forming a coalition that they hope will match the movement’s political energy and influence.
The groups involved represent the core of the first-time voters who backed President Obama — including the National Council of La Raza, NAACP, AFL-CIO, SEIU and the United States Student Association. (The effort is separate from the Democratic Party’s plan to spend $50 million trying to reach those same voters.) [my emphasis]

They were inspired by their effectiveness in getting the health care law passed when more than half the country hated it.

“The coalition’s first goal is to plan a march…” according to the Post. “The demonstration, to be held Oct. 2, will center on pressing for more government spending on job creation.”

Just don’t call it Astroturf.