What looked like a dark fantasy last fall is moving closer to reality. Now the Cabarrus Chamber of Commerce is getting aboard the concept of running light rail to Lowe’s Motor Speedway and beyond. Cost? At least $70 million per mile.

Remember that there is no guarantee that line will get federal money — or that any local line will get nearly half its cost “paid for” by the feds, as was the case with the $463 million South Blvd. line. That is why $70 million worth of debt secured by future property tax dollars is part of the North line financing plan and Charlotte city council is sniffing around $400 million worth streetcars funded the same way.

Bonus Observation: I’m trying to figure out why the reporter wrote that “Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory said the next goal would be to extend a line to UNCC” when everyone knows the North line up I-77 is next to be built.