Thankfully a single tea party counter protester, out of some 1200 or so who turned out in Uptown yesterday, did not garner any media coverage, at least that I can find. This genius took a couple of volleyballs, put them in a flesh-colored sack, and suspended the package from a long cane pole — and proceed to dangle his creation in the background of TV interviews while generally smirking around.

One event organizer approached a CMPD officer to point out the R-rated display and was told there was nothing that could be done about it, that if Mr. faux testicles was de-poled, everyone else in the crowd with a pole or stick would have to lose their sticks, poles, etc.

Talk about missing the point.

Update: Mark Pellin — of course — did a much better job of documenting the event than yours truly. I was too busy trying to get arrested.