Charles Fain Lehman of the Washington Free Beacon profiles a new member of President-elect Joe Biden’s advisory team.
President-elect Joe Biden announced Monday that he will appoint Joelle Gamble, who previously worked as a principal at the social-change investment firm funded by liberal billionaire Pierre Omidyar, as a top economic adviser.
Gamble, who left her role at the Omidyar Network (ON) to work on domestic economic policy for the Biden-Harris transition team, will serve as special assistant to the president for economic policy, a job on the National Economic Council.
That role may be informed by her previous work as a principal at the network’s “reimagining capitalism” project, an Elizabeth Warren-esque endeavor that maintains that “capitalism can still be a powerful force for good” but that “the current form of capitalism is fundamentally broken.”
Gamble’s appointment means that an economic progressive will have the president’s ear as he seeks to revitalize the post-COVID economy. It also forges a connection between the Biden administration and Omidyar, who has funneled millions to left-leaning activist groups, including those run by other Biden appointees, and is a major funder of groups opposed to President Donald Trump.
Neither the Biden Transition Team nor the Omidyar Network responded to requests for comment.
Gamble joined the Omidyar Network last June, following her graduation from Princeton’s graduate program in economics. In that role, she was a frequent public commentator on what she saw as the injustices and inequities of capitalism, writing in the left-wing magazine Dissent, for example, that “our measure of economic security is based on white economic security.” …
… ON operates several major projects across its portfolio of over $100 million in outstanding grants. That includes Gamble’s “reimagining capitalism,” which aims to restructure capitalist society around principles that include “an explicitly anti-racist and inclusive economy” and “rebalanc[ing] the relationship between markets, governments, and communities.”