Well, we’ve evidently learned all we are going to learn about the Charlotte Chamber’s recent polling on the CMS bond package and the half-cent transit tax repeal. The Chamber has released the results to selected media outlets and that’s that.
Except that it is pretty well established procedure to disclose the poll questions along with the results, perhaps even some of the selected cross-tabulations of the poll. But certainly, at a minimum, the questions are needed so we can make sense of the answers.
The sum total of the data set I have on the questions — the recollections of exactly two people who were polled by MarketWise — says that the poll, they felt, was worded and stacked toward an anti-repeal outcome. I do not know if that is true. Worse, no one knows if that is true as the Chamber steadfastly refuses to release the questions.
Fair enough. The entire point of this exercise is to get away from spin and hype and focus grouping and Uptown facilitators and instead put a vital matter directly before the people.
Their answer will be very public soon enough.