Asheville is not as bad as we appear. The perception is warped because as a community we do a better job of assisting the power-mongering egos, who would just as soon shoot liberty as look at it, on their glory-trip up the political ladder. Nowhere have I seen a lust for centralized control centered in me-me-me parade with such credibility. Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, but us free-thinkers in Asheville will sell it for the weasel words politicians want to toss at us.
Well, fortunately, those who get their names in the media, the same lot that didn’t grasp their history lessons, fortunately, aren’t the only thing happening in Asheville. Normal and good things can happen here. For example, while reading my mail tonight, I came across a wonderful talk delivered by President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic.
 Klaus, who lived through the transition of his country from communism to a freer state of affairs, spoke clearly about creeping socialism in unsuspecting Western countries. He put in simple terms the plight our Progressive leaders are creating for us:
We succeeded in getting rid of communism, but along with many others, we erroneously assumed that attempts to suppress freedom, and to centrally organize, mastermind, regulate, and control society and the economy, were matters of the past, an almost-forgotten relic. Unfortunately, those centralizing urges are still with us. I see more examples of such urges in Europe and in most international organizations than in the United States, but they can be found here as well. – Vaclav Klaus
 Klaus lists environmentalism, super-nationalism, and other special interests as shallow excuses to consolidate power in meaningless places.
I would prefer to spend my days pursuing wisdom, but I will be back with more nonsense from city council tomorrow.