Dee Todd is out as N.C. A&T’s athletic director. N&R editor John Robinson wishes his newspaper luck in getting some answers from Chancellor Stanley Battle.
Still, Todd had some interesting comments:
“Am I the scapegoat for football? You have to wonder,” Todd said 90 minutes after the meeting. “I stand by my statement: Lee Fobbs is a great man, and people need to give him a chance.”
…..”If you keep changing your contractor when you’re building a house, you’re never going to get it built,” she said. “If you keep changing, what quality person is going to come to A&T as athletics director?
“How many people would have left a job at the ACC, where I was very comfortable, where I had been for 17 years, where they didn’t ask me to leave? I left to help. I left to build. If you can (treat) someone this way, who else is going to come?”
Two consecutive winless footbal seasons means something’s got to change.