
Still no one’s sure exactly what went on in Las Vegas that has resulted in the resignation of four Alamance County Sheriff’s Department employees.

Evidently they engaged in one or more of Sheriff Terry Johnson’s five deadly sins: “lying, laziness, incompetence, running around with married individuals, and drinking and results coming from that drinking.”

Meanwhile, one the former deputies involved in the incident, Lt. Chris Cain, writes a letter to the editor in today’s Burlington Times-News:

In December 2007, I was involved in an incident in Las Vegas. I have seen the articles, read the comments, and heard all the rumors that are revolving around this situation. I would like to say that I was not involved in any criminal activity, and I was not unfaithful to my spouse. I did, however, involve myself in a situation that I should have avoided.

Given the setting, we’re left only to imagine the type of situation in which Cain found himself.