Thanks to the Net poking of a Meck Deck commenter, it looks like WBCN is indeed set to move to an all-talk format soon. This dummy page at a Web developer’s site includes a pic of the Charlotte skyline, the America’s Talk name, as well as a possible program line-up banner rotation and pull-down.

First up in the 6-9am slot would be America’s Morning News, the The Washington Times off-shoot launched in June. This is a serious program with serious heft behind it, although I have never heard it. Next would be Glenn Beck, who I’ve heard of maybe 20 minutes of and do not get, then some guy named Michael Smerconish. The next slot is for Sean Hannity from 3-6pm. Hannity is a mouth-breathing moron, no doubt about it, but he has his fans. After that, the aforementioned Jason Lewis show, followed by Michael Savage, John Gibson, and Phil Hendrie.

This is a chockful syndicated talk roster, no two ways about it. Maybe another 10,000-watt Carolinas station has tried a similar format, but I don’t know about it.

Other things gleaned: WBCN has evidently partnered with WCNC for news and weather, so maybe that means no local news or weather staff. So, can’t resist — stay tuned.