Don Boudreaux weighs in on the controversy with this letter:

28 June 2007

Editor, Chicago Tribune

Dear Editor:

By detailing the long waiting lists and other problems suffered by the British,
nurse Helen Evans usefully reminds us of the perils of so-called “universal
health care” (“What Michael Moore left on the cutting room floor,” June 26).
Just yesterday I heard a sad story that suggests that the French suffer

Visiting friends in Arles, I learned that their 60-year-old neighbor recently
died. Although this man had a history of heart trouble, when a few weeks ago he
experienced severe chest pains and went to the hospital for treatment, he was
told that the hospital was full. “Go home and call back later to see if a room
has opened up.” He did so. A room never opened up. He died.

Donald J. Boudreaux
Chairman, Department of Economics
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030

I recall that when people began to criticize her proposal for socialized medicine back in 1993, Hillary started to whine about how people were “bashing” her. I’d bet that Michael Moore eventually does the same thing.