What about all those jobs (registration required) that were supposed to be generated by the new Dell plant in NC?

Well, not so fast, at least not for residents of this state. In case you’re counting, some Maryland residents will be working on NC’s Dell plant because their company was the low bidder?which is good, except that under the Easleystadt central-planning model, NC taxpayers won’t get the benefits either. We’ve already given them to Dell.

So far, then, the Dell deal is looking like a lose-lose economic plan, not surprisingly.

As we have pointed out before, other Dell deals, in other states have already failed to deliver the number of jobs promised. Now that we are dancing with that particular devil in terms of tax breaks, all the Easley administration can say is that they “would have preferred” that Dell hire North Carolina companies and workers during the construction phase.

Ah, shucks, Gov, I guess we’ll just have to get those new jobs and revenues from the next sugar-coated “incentives” deal.