…800,000. That is number of visitors the NASCAR Hall of Fame is officially projected to draw in its first year. That allows the inevitable taper-down number to still be 400,000 visitors in the out-years and that number makes the all numbers work. Kinda.

In fact the Hall’s money numbers remind me nothing so much as a federal budget document that projects this and that year-to-year, on-and-on until reality is left far behind. First, that 800,000. That is over four times the attendence for the NFL Hall in 2005. Alright-ee. Nuther small fact: Tens of thousands Charlotte’s friends and relatives will pay the Brian France tax and never set foot in the NASCAR Hall.

For some reason Pat McCrory thinks this is great. In effect, the city is allowing France to cut his admission price and but still collect revenue across thousands of non-customers. And, hey, France still collects millions each year in licensing revenue from the city which is actually running and owning the Hall. Those payments can be deferred if the Hall lags, not missed, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer, remember that. No wonder the guy is a billionaire, that is a great deal. Automatic money with no risk.

And Ron Kimble seems like a nice guy, a competent guy to have on city staff, but he made next to no sense last night explaining the deal. The Hall will mean that Charlotte will get beamed nationwide and worldwide every year, Kimble said. Does that not already happen 50 times a year already with Panther and Bobcat games? How much more marketing does Charlotte need? Are we still fighting the Ch-factor? With whom? Where? Nepal?

Kimble also said the Hall helps “brand” Charlotte. As what, gulliable and irresponsible?

Oh No!