If you ever wondered where all the diving boards went, read this.
It must really be dull being a kid today. And to think we rode our
3-speed bikes without helmets down steep hills, swung in swings with wooden seats on concrete playgrounds, and stood
on the front seat of the car as mom drove the ’54 Ford to the market.
And yet we survived. Why don’t we just encase our kids in foam rubber?
No, wait, there are probably volatile chemicals in foam rubber that
could be harmful. WSJ editorial board member Steve Moore says it all:

We Americans have become so risk
averse when it comes to our children that we now see unacceptable
dangers from even the most routine activities. We have created
peanut-butter-free school zones, “soft” baseballs, army figures without
guns, parks without seesaws, and full body armor for bike riding.