In another crisis of old age, I learned from the JLF’s Rick Henderson that CNN (big time) would be airing a report on all the funky science going down at the SBI.

My astute mother arranged for me to be enrolled in a BS program that taught about the misuses and abuse of science. Working several scientific jobs, I got to see first-hand the bad science my professors discussed. What I had not learned in school was how to persuade anybody with logic that immoral, unconscionable, unjust, and ignorant actions are not as good as honor. Real science is largely tedious, unprofitable, and inconclusive. You can find my name on a few online lists of physics dissidents.

In conclusion, I will draw from the teachings of my wise mother again. During the Watergate scandal, she said what was going on was no different from what went on elsewhere, except the guy in the red wig and his pals got caught. I would assume the same for the NC SBI.