Little correction in today’s N&R:
The General Assembly allocated $8.8 billion to North Carolina public schools in 2014-2015. The funding amount was incorrect in an article Tuesday on the front page.
Big difference between billion and millions, but I’ll give the reporter some slack and assume her brain wasn’t working with her fingers—it happens. By the same token someone reading the article but not seeing the correction might assume that the evil Republicans are selling are children short yet again — and that’s the impression the N&R enjoys giving these days.
Second correction on a big story in little over a week for the local paper of record. Turns out the N&R didn’t get it quite right regarding the League of Women Voters ad denouncing Sen. Trudy Wade’s bill restructuring the Greensboro City Council.
As the Rhino’s John Hammer notes, “it seems that we are supposed to believe that neither (city beat reporter Joe) Killian, nor his editors, read their own paper. It’s understandable that they wouldn’t want to read the N&R. (Who does?)”
True, even though an ever-decreasing number of us still read the N&R every morning. Whether or not you can believe what you read is another matter entirely.