I’ve seen three specials on TV this weekend whose object was to cast doubt on a) the Resurrection, b) the Jesus birth story, and c) the Shroud of Turin as the actual burial cloth of Jesus. One movie I watched made the point over and over that Jesus was born in the spring, not in December, so Christmas was, therefore, a hoax.

Now, this is the Christmas season, so you’d think maybe these cable channels would save this programming for some period of the year lacking a major Christian holiday or observance.

Imagine if there were a special on the National Geographic Channel showing how it is simply impossible for one day’s worth of oil to have burned for eight days. Or a special showing scientific evidence that the Quran couldn’t possibly have been sent down from Heaven in the ninth month of the Muslim calendar.

I don’t think we’re going to see those specials anytime soon. But a Christmas-bashing special? Just turn on your TV.