One of my greatest local pet peeves reared its ugly head again. Late in March, members of the John Locke Foudation took an interest in Asheville’s strange planning policies that make developers construct entire extra buildings for no earthly reason. A few days later, Asheville planners convened a meeting of the Merrimon Avenue Study Group and the property owners on whom the group sought to impose their sense of place. Needless to say, the meeting was acrimonious.

However, one good thing appears to have resulted. There is a chance that our beloved Temple to the Goddess of Urban Planning may become an endangered species. After three new buildings placed on Merrimon’s curb generated more complaints about a canyon with no view of the mountains than the New Urbanist feel they were supposed to synergize, planners are offering to drop the zero-setback requirement for new development and significant overhauls. Of course, they can’t say, “We made a mistake and we’re no longer requiring this outrageous and unpopular architectural feature.” Instead, they positively assert, “Staff recommends that a minor wording amendment that removes the opportunity for a zero-foot setback on Merrimon Avenue be considered.”