I’m chiming in late here, but last night the
“Homeschoolers Unfolding History” club from the local library went caroling in downtown Smithfield (in proper Colonial costume, I might add). After exercising their First Amendment rights by singing “Angels From The Realms of Glory” and “Joy to the World” on the courthouse steps, we were approached by a local official who asked if we’d step around the corner and sing for the official tree-lighting ceremony downtown. And we sang equally non-PC lyrics there too.

That done, we stepped down and singers from the local schools regaled us with “December Lights”. After several choruses and another song celebrating the act of celebrating, I left shaking my head at the sad, sad sterility of a scrupulously Christless Christmas. It’s one thing to enjoy the fun of the season, and everybody can take part, but can’t the schools unbend enough to sing “Silent Night” even? I have to wonder.