Hey, we call out the mainstreamers often enough, only fair to note when a bleeding edge Web outlet drops the ball. Gizmodo attempts to stick the content dons at Universal with the oopsie of disabling embedding of the 30 year old — gah! — Buggles classic “Video Killed the Radio Star.”

“Universal will keep protecting its property by slowly killing it, and their unembeddable video will continue to kill their radio stars. Maybe in 30 more years they’ll have figured out how to survive on the internet, but at that point there will probably be something else that’s come along that will take them a decade to figure out,” Giz-boy Adam Frucci snorts.

Except that Universal is evidently quite fine with embedding, provided you use the MTV portal. YouTube they don’t like, MTV they do. So plainly the problem is not with embedding, contrary to the Giz-spin, it must lie with the coinage/legal ink flowing from the host sites. Nothing confusing or self-defeating about that.

And you know what that means, don’t you?