Two high-ranking NASCAR officials and two Nextel Cup team owners, all speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Charlotte’s selection was nearly certain.
Final details must be worked out before any announcement, the sources said.
Final details is the scary part, that is the amount of money Charlotte — or Atlanta or Daytona — is willing to kick back to NASCAR each year. It is becoming clearer that NASCAR wants a straight-up licensing deal whereby its puts up no money for the Hall and gets a steady revenue stream in return. The city that coughs up the biggest number will get the Hall, simple as that.
Then, against all common sense, NASCAR CEO Brian France will have qualified his multi-billion dollar entertainment operation for a public handout. Such is the state of local government in America in 2006.
Update: What do you want to bet that the original pro forma, the money specifics between the city and NASCAR, has been kicked to the curb and bid up in recent days? I dare anyone in city government to prove me wrong.