Becky Carney — last seen claiming that no one from Charlotte has ever asked for road funds from Raleigh — has a new one. This time she is claiming that no one in her district cares about eminent domain reform:
Rep. Becky Carney (D-Mecklenburg) argued that the bill is not necessary. Current law is just fine. She also said that she had gotten no emails and no phone calls from constituents on this bill.
Wonder if that it is really true? And I wonder if Carney will ever be opposed in a General Election.
Update: Forgot to mention that Carney’s district is ground-zero for the Belmont land-grab the city of Charlotte tried a couple months back. You know, the one that would’ve swept away a couple local neighborhood markets, the better to make way for the $750m. light rail line to UNCC.
Nah. Sure don’t want anybody complaining about land-grabs in that district. Nope.