Funny, Winston-Salem isn’t living up to the standards set by the city’s Legacy plan:
Few quality-of-life benchmarks established in the Legacy guide have been met in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, an oversight committee of city and county volunteers said in a report released this week.
According to the panel’s annual review, four of the 23 benchmarks have been met since the governments of Winston-Salem, Forsyth County and the county’s seven other municipalities adopted the Legacy guide in 2001.
But not all the news is bad:
Mayor Allen Joines noted that although few benchmarks have been met, progress has been made in seven areas. Progress has been made, for example, toward the cumulative number of walking- and bike-trail miles. The benchmark is 26 miles, and there are 18.2 miles of trails now, according to the report. That’s up from 16 miles in 2000.
Now that’s true progress. It’s also interesting that the proposed $29 million downtown baseball stadium wasn’t mentioned. Somehow I don’t think that was one of the original benchmarks of the Legacy plan, but it just sort of happened, as things often do after cities come up with so-called “plans.”