Cami Mondeaux of the Washington Examiner describes key political challenges for the Democratic Party in 2024.

As Democrats seek to regain their House majority in 2024, party leaders also must grapple with challenges to defend their slim majority in the Senate and hold on to control of the White House.

Republicans are on the offensive as they seek to flip control of both the Senate and White House, hoping to seize on top voter concerns to overcome their Democratic counterparts. That puts the pressure on President Joe Biden to keep the Democratic Party united, which has proven to be a challenge as some cracks have formed on a number of fronts.  …

… The war in Israel has reignited a long-standing debate among Democrats, highlighting the underlying tensions between those who staunchly support Israel and those who are adamant about defending Palestinian rights.

After the Hamas militant group attacked Israel on Oct. 7, progressive Democrats in the House have repeatedly called for a ceasefire and urged their colleagues to halt approving military aid to the country. Several of those lawmakers, many of whom belong to a group called “the Squad,” have publicly criticized Biden by name and accused him of fueling warfare.

“President Biden has called himself the most pro-union president in American history, but he is ignoring the voices of working people across the country who are demanding human dignity not only for their own families but for families in Gaza and around the world,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), the only Palestinian American in Congress, said last month. …

… Biden also must grapple with the crisis at the southern border, which is expected to be a top voter concern heading into the 2024 cycle.

Customs and Border Protection encountered a record 2.48 million illegal immigrants in fiscal 2023, including 670,000 so-called “got-a-ways,” referring to those who entered the country illegally but have not been apprehended by border agents. The increase has prompted Republicans and Democrats alike to call on Biden to address the problem, setting up a clash between the president and his GOP counterparts.