Sylva town board member Danny Allen announced March 17 his intentions to resign. He suffers cancer, and claims the stress is making it worse. He told the Sylva Herald he can no longer take the “lying and backstabbing.” He made a few vague statements about the people not being served, and said he would reveal his retirement date, as well as names and specific “perturbing” actions, later.
The remainder of the agenda didn’t seem extremely suspicious. It had the affronts taxpayers have grown to accept on any municipal agenda – approval of a transit plan that favors pedestrians, acceptance of federal funds, and planning for a big festival. The following, from the Herald article, did raise an eyebrow:
Audit services for the town will be done by Asheville-based Burleson & Earley. Board members voted to switch from Dixon and Hughes to save some $17,500, according to [Town Manager Adrienne] Isenhower. Dixon and Hughes’ price was $25,000; Burleson & Earley will charge $11,800.