Letter to the editor in today’s N&R, from Stokesdale resident John Parson:
Leading up to the 2014 midterm elections, the Koch brothers were vilified and ridiculed by liberal Democrats who eagerly informed us that “the Republican Party was the party of the 1 percenters and Wall Street bankers” and the evil Kochs were attempting to “buy the election” for Thom Tillis and other Republicans around the country.
As it turns out (according to the AP), among those groups required to disclose what they raise and spend on campaigns, the Democrats enjoyed a 3 to 1 advantage over the Republicans from wealthy donors. The top 10 individual donors to outside groups spent $128 million on the midterms, with Democrats raking in $91 million of it.
With that in mind, check out this interesting Investor’s Business Daily article (via Carolina Plott Hound) on plans to keep the Democratic slush fund flowing —2016 will be here before we know it — courtesy of our old friend –former Sen. Mel Watt, now head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency:
The money will help build apartments for extremely low-income Americans, says Watt, the former Congressional Black Caucus leader whom President Obama hand-picked to regulate Fannie and Freddie. The funds will also help the poor afford their own homes through down payments and other assistance.
But nonprofit housing activist groups will distribute the funds. So count on money being diverted to ACORN fronts and clones, beholden to the Democratic Party, who in the past have laundered housing grant money to finance political campaigns.
Like I said, 2016 will be here before we know it –if it’s not already here with the media’s eagerness to prove what a wonderful leader President Obama has been in order to set up their candidate, whoever it will be. With that in mind, expect more rhetoric on the evils of wealth while behind the scenes Democrats will be raking it in with both hands. Not that they won’t be raking it in with both hands in broad daylight, either, while the mainstream media conveniently looks the other way.