Now the global warming alarmists have gone too far. By pressuring governments to subsidize biofuels around the world, they are driving up the cost of grain, in this case barley used to make German beer. Some of us argue, Jon Ham and me, that German Beer is the only thing worth calling beer.
Talk about higher beer prices has not gone unnoticed by consumers.
Sitting at a long wooden table under leafy chestnut trees at the
Prater, one of Berlin’s biggest beer gardens, Volker Glutsch, 37,
complained bitterly.“It’s absolutely outrageous that beer is
getting even more expensive,” Glutsch said, gulping down the last swig
of his half-liter dark beer at lunch. “But there’s nothing we can do
about it — except drinking less, and that’s not going to happen.”
The N&O reports on the sad story here.