What is a boomerang teacher? It’s just one of the questions answered in the most recent edition of the Education Newsletter produced by JLF’s Terry, Stoops, director of research and education studies. Below you’ll find a summary of his newsletter, along with summaries from other JLF analysts. These newsletters are an outstanding way for you to stay abreast of the latest developments in policy debates on issues closely watched by JLF.
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Meantime, here’s a summary of the latest newsletters, which you can access here.
Education Policy
Terry Stoops, Director of Education Studies, wrote in his newsletter this week about charter schools and how they’re proving to be a good investment. Indeed, in terms of productivity, or bang for the buck, charters are doing better than their district counterparts. On the blog, he wrote about boomerang teachers, the cursive comeback, and slanted WRAL coverage of education. He also suggested some alternatives to government for addressing the problems facing NC’s kids, and shared an update on NC’s Race to the Top grant.
Economics and Environmental Policy
Roy Cordato, Vice President for Research and resident scholar, used his weekly newsletter to share some informative and entertaining videos about free market economics. These are definitely worth watching and sharing with your kids. On the blog, he shared a tribute to John Blundell, who died this week. He also wrote about Michael Moore, a “Land Baron Bolshevik,” and shared an argument for the constitutional rights of corporations.
Health Care Policy
Katherine Restrepo, Health Care Policy Analyst, wrote about this week’s two significant court rulings related to Obamacare subsidies. These have probably set up a future Supreme Court case, and they affect some of the most fundamental elements of Obamacare, so they’re hugely significant. She blogged about the rulings, their potential impact on Obamacare, the media’s response, and evidence supporting the plaintiffs’ case.
Regulatory Policy
Jon Sanders, Director of Regulatory Policy Studies, shared some interesting theology from Rev. William Barber on the blog. He also blogged about the ending of government subsidies for renewable energy in Australia, pay-raise scams, reaction to the Halbig case, and a top Obama advisor’s bizarre claims about a “typo” in the Obamacare legislation that you have to see to believe.