This should be good. He’s the one who blew this out of the water at the Dec. 15 hearing. Began representing Dave Evans in March 2006.
He worked with Joe Cheshire, his role being mainly collection, receiving and analysis of discovery. His reaction to what Nifong was saying to the media: “I thought it was outrageous.” But his other reaction was, “Wow, there must have been a rape at that house that night.” Says he couldn’t imagine a prosecutor being so certain in his comments and not having ironclad evidence.
Brocker has him read from March 27, 2006, news reports with some really outrageous quotes by Nifong regarding hate crimes, aiding and abetting, the “stone wall off silence,” etc. He also branded the players as uncooperative in the report. Says Nifong’s statement about a “stone wall of silence” was “untruthful.” Evans cooperated from the start, as did other players, especially on March 16, 2006 when the search warrant was executed at 610 N. Buchanan.
He describes a remarkable document in which Evans identified everyone at the party and described anything that might be helpful to police, including some unflattering behavior that occurred at the party.
All players questioned denied that any sexual assault took place, he said. This confirms that when Nifong said the students weren’t talking what he really meant was that they weren’t giving him the story he wanted.